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http://www.100md.com 2017年2月15日 《世界中医药》 20174


    AbstractSweating is a physiological phenomenon of human,but excessive sweating is a kind of pathological manifestations,which is particularly common in the elderly.Perspiration syndrome is discussed in detail in the traditional Chinese medicine since ancient times,and according to different characteristics there are spontaneous sweat and night sweat,sweating of dying,sweating after shivering,yellow sweat and sweating of palms and soles,now treating from spontaneous sweat and night sweat.We recognize that perspiration syndrome is with its unique concept and involves lots of content based on our own experiences and clinical research in recent years,and paths of treatment and use of drugs are different from the theory of ancient Chinese medicine,so we discuss perspiration syndrome newly and update its name and definition,dividing into severe sweat,long sweat in chronic disease and simple excessive sweating.It is to improve clinical curative effect by treatment of illness in a coherent,clear thinking,and integrating Chinese and western medicine through brief discussion of understanding of hyperhidrosis in modern medicine and to build a platform for future communication and deep research.

    Key WordsPerspiration syndrome;Knowledge of Chinese traditional medicine;Syndrome and disease differentiation treatment;Western medicine overview






    关于汗证名称,自古以来一直沿用自汗、盗汗等,而自汗、盗汗只是汗证临床症候的一种表现形式,主要表述的是出汗的特点和时间,即白昼时时汗出、动辄益甚者,称为自汗;寐中汗出,醒来汗止者,称为盗汗;启用“汗证”之名称,方可全面概括包括自汗、盗汗等在内的所有出汗异常的病症。又自汗、盗汗作为症状,既可单独出现,也多并见,更是常常出现在部分危重病症之后和一些慢性疾病过程中,故以“汗证”统称之,则不会出现偏误。, http://www.100md.com(侯丕华 王瑞茵 张晋)
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